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San Francisco Mime Troupe

August 17, 2018 @ 6:30 PM - 10:30 PM



Paul Emery Music and the Miners Foundry will present the San Francisco Mime Troupe in an outdoor twilight concert on Friday, August 17, 2018 at the Miners Foundry.  The San Francisco Mime Troupe will open their 59th Season with “Seeing Red:  A Time-Traveling Musical”, written by Rotimi Agbabiaka with Joan Holden with music and lyrics by Ira Marlowe.  Doors open at 6:30 p.m., music begins at 7:00 p.m., and the show is at 7:30 p.m.  Tickets are $20 and are available online, by phone or in person at the Miners Foundry, or in person at Briar Patch Co-Op.  Ticketing fees waived for tickets purchased by phone or in person at the Miners Foundry Box Office.

The San Francisco Mime Troupe creates and produces socially relevant theatre of the highest professional quality and performs it before the broadest possible audience. SFMT makes sense of the headlines by identifying the forces shaping our lives and dramatizing the operation of these giant forces in small, close-up stories that make audiences feel the impact of political events on personal life.

Seeing Red:  A Time-Traveling Musical

It’s Election Night 2018 and Bob swears she’ll never vote again.  Decades of watching her town get devastated by falling wages and outsourced factories made this former Obama voter take a chance on the new guy promising change – Donald J. Trump.  But it’s two years into his presidency and Bob’s still waiting to start winning.  Tonight, she’s drowning her sorrows at the neighborhoord bar, telling anyone who’ll listen that all politicians are liars, the system is rigged, and nothing’s ever gonna change.

Along comes a mysterious stranger with an intriguing offer.  He’ll show her an America where working people of all races and genders come together to demand a brighter future, where socialism isn’t a dirty word.  He’ll take her all the way – to 1912.

As Bob finds herself back in the heyday of the American Socialist Party, she realizes that she may have more in common with those blue-state progressives.  She begins to ask:  What will it take to get people to stop voting against their interests?  How do we overcome the divide-and-conquer tactics that keep us all down?  When did America’s electoral chocies get so limited?  And isn’t it time to get off the swinging pendulum that’s left us at our current impasse?


August 17, 2018
6:30 PM - 10:30 PM
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