Ludi Hinrichs | Loss, Remembrance, and Emergence

Ludi Hinrichs will perform an evening of his new compositions on solo piano, trombone, and other instruments on Wednesday, November 30, 2016. The Stone Hall at the Miners Foundry is especially vibrant when the Estonia grand piano fills the room.  The concert will be recorded for a future album and will be an exploration of


The Gift of the Wave

Wednesday, November 29th at 7:30 PM, doors open at 6:30 Tickets at Briar Patch or at the door $18/20 Join us at the Foundry for an intimate, café like setting for an evening of new compositions, Sufi poetry, and sound waves for grand piano, voice, large gong, didjeridu, and trombone. Special guest Joe Fajen-tabla and

Ludi Hinrichs | Patio Bar

Enjoy the Foundry Patio & Parking Lot Bar, with Live Entertainment! About Our Entertainment The Foundry Patio Bar will feature Ludi Hinrichs on September 26th from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. . Come say hello!  "I take in and respond to all sounds and styles of music that have the qualities of strength, depth, spirit, structure,


Ludi Hinrichs | Foyer Bar

Enjoy live entertainment at the Miners Foundry Foyer, Patio, and Parking Lot Bars! About The Miners Foundry Foyer Bar will feature Ludi Hinrichs on Thursday, November 5, 2020. Ludi takes in and responds to all sounds and styles of music that have the qualities of strength, depth, spirit, structure, beauty, and intelligence. Examples include the


Ludi Hinrichs | Foyer Bar

Enjoy live entertainment at the Miners Foundry Foyer, Patio, and Deer Creek Bars! About The Miners Foundry Foyer Bar will feature  Ludi Hinrichs on Friday, November 13, 2020. For the day of Monsieur Jacques de Molay, Ludi would like to invite you all for some music for our well being, played on the beautiful Estonia
